Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Figurative Language

What is Figurative Language?


Ms. David said...

Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else,
you are using figurative language.

Information Retrieved from

Coco said...

Figurative Language
My interpretation of figurative language is the explanation of a certain topic subject that compares that object with something else that may share similarities or characteristics that the original object had.

Sha-Rita said...

Figurative language is like describing something using other words in a descriptive way.

Amber Lee . said...

I think figurative language is a way of changing something that isnt living, and giving it human traits. For example; '' My dog is talking to me. '' Its figurative language because dogs dont speak.

Unknown said...

When you describe one thing to another but with more characteristics towards the subject or object.

Lii Lee said...

I think figurative language is a method or way of exaggerating, comparing or describing something or someone. Its often used in stories, an example of it is Personification , which gives a human action to a non living thing.

Jay said...

Figurative Language:
- Trying to explain how you feel in a more mentally heartfelt way. Rather than using common wordage , you use more enlighten speaking than regular .

Destiny said...

To describe two objects with more of an description to give more of a meaning.

Kimmyx3 said...

Figurative language is words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal expression, as in exaggeration.

Joselin said...

A way of putting a deeper emphasis when you’re describing something by comparing them.

Jennell said...

Figurative Language is words or phrases that aren’t literal, but have symbols that represent something deeper than if one was to use simpler words. It gives a visual meaning to a word.

Sammy said...

figurative language is when you describe something by comparing one thing to another to make it sound like it has more emotion to it.

lala said...

Figurative Language- is a way to write in more difficult and complicated way -banana

nan said...

Figurative language is when you are telling something but not telling it straight forward; like poetry.

Joselin said...
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Destiny said...

To come up with new fashion designs is like playing fashion hardball.
This basically means it’s hard to come up with new fashion ideas. It takes a lot of thinking and time.

Jennell said...

The fashion world is a game of tug-o-war between the designers, models, critics and consumers. Everyone involved in this game are working hard to be the best and by doing so they drag each other down.

lala said...

Ayanna.C Ms.Davids
Fashion – fashion inspires, it speaks to use in our own way.

Unknown said...

Fashion is about expressing yourself and letting out your inner psycho. <3

Sammy said...

Simple needles and thread can create big dreams.

Sha-Rita said...

Why does fashion keeps tripping over race?

Joselin said...

The business of fashion is judgmental monster.
That in the fashion it people could be very mean and judgmental.

Jay said...

You have to Live, Eat, and Breath Fashion in order to get somewhere in the fashion world.
- You have completely love fashion in order to get anywhere in the fashion world. There is many competitive people out there who may love fashion, but fashion ahs to be your whole entire life. You will have to give up certain things or maybe everything in order to get where you want to be. There are millions maybe even billions of other people who love fashion , but you have to be the best of the best out of those billions.

thi_ana said...

becoming a well known designer in the fashion industries is an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.

thi_ana said...

becoming a well known designer in the fashion industries is an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.
-thiana V.

Kay Clover said...

Old Fashion designs are not really old Their Reborn!!!!

Chyna said...

Figurative Language is whenever you describe something by comparing it with something or someone. Some examples would be Simile, Metaphor, Personification and Alliteration .

Chyna said...

Fashion Helps you Open doors. This meaning means it helps you with your Future like for example if you want to become a fashion designer you would know the basics of becoming one.

Kay Clover said...

Old Fashion designs are not really old Their Reborn!!!!

Kay Clover said...

Old Fashion designs are not really old Their Reborn!!!!

Kay Clover said...

Figurative Language to me is: Old Fashion designs are not really old Their Reborn!!!!

theresa muller said...

Theresa muller Ms.David
Fashion/ pd 4 2/3/12

Fashion is chocolate you can’t get enough.
This means that fashion is a never ending obsession.

linzae G said...

in my opinion a persons style can never really be LAST YEAR!!

Unknown said...

Fashion Kills

theresa muller said...

figurative languge is describing something but using something else to describe the action or motion

ramamigom12 said...

Ramon Amiama-Gomez
Pd. 8/9.
Figurative Language

"She was a Barbie Doll in her photo shoot."

beautyyndbrains said...
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beautyyndbrains said...

-What is Figurative language?
Figurative Language is Such as Using Big words with more emotion just to prove your point.
-Debra A.

P.S. Tiarie said...

What is Figurative language?
Figurative language is telling a story but instead uses emotion and passion.
-Tiana Marcano

P.S. Tiarie said...

Do Now:
Fashion has many doors but they only open up to those who want it

Joselin said...

The social media is what makes a retailer big and important and this to me means that it’s what holds up the retailer, or like the sentence says, its the table.

Joselin said...

The social media is what makes a retailer big and important and this to me means that it’s what holds up the retailer, or like the sentence says, the table.

lala said...
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lala said...

This means that being in retailer you need to be able to keep your game face on, know when to walk away and have friendly competition, because social media is a difficult way to get business out there.
Ayanna C.